Raeos is a primitive and mystical world, once governed by its natural ruler, the Celiem. A war with the invading Yarku race has slowly ended in a world engulfed by the Yarku taint. They have at last cornered the Celiem and seared off all of its life-giving vines, which once made Raeos a vibrant, thriving paradise.
Making the world their clean slate, a wasteland primed for hive-spawning, using the world’s magical gemstone treasures as fuel, the Yarku have left the Celiem with no choice but to create and empower one last living Dynis as the last hope for Raeos. In a desolate patch of wilderness, speckled with Yarku scouts, Nectira is born. On her shoulders rests the fate of Raeos. She must reclaim the life and now-extinct species it once supported.
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